Installing underlayment for laminate flooring priceInstalling an underlayment for laminate flooring is one of the crucial elements in laminate flooring installation. Laminate flooring underlayment allows for natural contraction of the material and provides better moisture control. It also works as a noise damper, since laminate flooring underlayment fills the gap between floor and laminate planks, therefore producing effective sound reduction, which will make walking on the laminate flooring more comfortable to your ears. On the other hand, the gap required between laminate planks and walls should be considered when installing the underlayment for laminate flooring, as required distance from the wall reflects the underlayment positioning.

What are the benefits of laminate flooring with underlayment attached?

When deciding about the best way to install the underlayment for laminate flooring, the choice is down to two main shop-available options: separate underlayment, which has to be adapted to size and other properties of laminate flooring, or laminate flooring with underlayment attached. Separate underlayment option is neither complicated to install nor expensive, but underlayment coming pre-attached understandably eases up the installation process, while also being an economic solution. This way there is no concern about fitting the planks straight on the underlayment, and it reduces possible mistakes in installing of the underlayment for laminate flooring as well.

Laminate flooring underlayment foamWhat is the best underlay for laminate flooring on wooden surfaces?

There are also few more things that need to be considered when installing an underlayment for laminate flooring, the most important one being the nature of the surface underneath it. Although laminate flooring was traditionally installed in spaces containing rough, unfinished floors, with its today`s properties and an adequate laminate flooring underlayment, it is possible to have it installed over a wood flooring too. We recommend installing a foam underlayment for laminate flooring of medium thickness, which will prevent any possible material friction and damage.